Sunday 3 April 2011

Warning: Boiling water in microwave can explode

Warning Facts:

Boiling Water in a microwave can Explode

Is that True?
Yes,It is true. There have been many reports of injury to people while boiling water in microwave. Heating water in the microwave can actually be dangerous.

I received a mail long before claiming a incident to the same fact. A man of age 26 old decided to have a cup of coffee. He took a cup of water and and put it in the microwave to heat it up (something that he had done numerous times before). When the timer went off, he removed the cup from the microwave and noticed that the water was not boiled and suddenly the water in the cup “blew up” in his face. His whole face was blistered with first and second degree burns, which left some permanent scaring and damage to his left eye. While at the hospital, the doctor attending him stated that it is a fairly common occurrence. Water (alone) should never be heated in a microwave oven.

 boiling water in microwave can explode

Why this Happen and How?

This phenomenon is known as superheating. Normally, When we boil water using metal/Steel vessel on a flame(Burner). You may notice that, as water temperature increase the vapour bubbles gets released from the bottom of vessel to the surface of the water. The vapour bubbles helps remove heat from the water.

In case of microwave, the water heats up very fast, the formation of vapour bubbles is unable to keep pace with the rapid increase in water temperature. Due to this, The temperature of water goes on increasing beyond the boiling point(normal boiling point 212ºF or 100ºC) of water without forming vapour bubbles, But If the vessel inner sides have any scratches or pits, would easily allow formation of bubbles. The absence of these bubbles means that, the water boiled in the microwave oven retains a high degree of heat. When this water removed from the microwave, the water may seems to be calm but when it is triggered(trigger could be in form of movement or Slight disturbance i.e.. picking the cup or pouring a spoon in a cup). This may result in violent eruption of water exploding out of the cup. The overheated energy which is stored in water comes in form of a big bubble bursting effect which can cause serious injury.


How to avoid Super-heated water?

  • Use Microwave Safe Cup and Bowl, For increased safety use cup or bowl which has scratches on the inner sides, so that bubbles can be formed.

  • Place a non-metallic object such as a wooden spoon or stick in the water. This helps the water bubble.

  • Do not use excessive time for heating water or liquid in microwave


You may now be concerned or worried about this fact, however, the condition need to be perfect for water to get explode, which are mostly uncommon, if you are still concern then simply keep non-metallic object such a wooden spoon, This will prevent the water from becoming superheated.


Anonymous said...

thats true, boiling water in microwave can be dangerous

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